
It’s never too late to restart.

2017 shall be another year of newness for me. Frankly, if my law school self could see me now, she would scold me.  In the first place, I am the type of person who is not a big fan of change.  Probably, I still am until now.

But enough of that.  I forgot something that I was passionate about in 2016.

I forgot to write.

Well, not exactly.

I lived far away from my workplace—an hour and half to and three hours from. It is in that extra one and a half hours going home where I get my inspiration in poetry writing. I wrote a few haikus, tankas, sonnets and blank verse both in English and Filipino.

This 2017, I decided to write essays again. I named this, “City Dusk” as I consider this time my most creative. This is the time where I meditate on my day, hypothesize of what is going on in the mind of every commuter I see, and ponder what is going on with this world.

Picture from
City dusk closes/The busy Manila day/Then, my mind opened.

I choose to restart again. A blog named My Sky Lanterns no longer fit me. However, that blog would forever be in the World Wide Web as it contains me as a lonely law student. And probably I always carry that person everywhere until now. The only difference between us is I have a job and she wishes to have one.

That is enough introductions for now. Expect randomness again in my posts on law, literature, politics, public service, anime, movies, myself and everything else in between day and night.

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